Build Stronger Relationships with Givers

  • Updated

The Analytics Studio provides a wide array of tools to help you build stronger relationships with your givers. 

In our latest tutorial video, Customer Support Representative Alexander Perez highlights tips and tricks on how to use these tools to understand and show appreciation for your givers.




When you first log in to the Analytics Studio, you will be taken to the dashboard.  The dashboard provides very helpful information front and center so you can quickly learn information about your givers and how to build stronger relationships with them. 

At the top of the dashboard, see a summary of your Total donations, Total donors, and Lifetime Donations.

Click the This Year drop-down to filter this information by preset timeframes, such as this week, or by custom dates.


Beneath the overview section, you'll find several graphs to help you understand your givers and what they care about.

On the left, you'll see a graph highlighting which Envelopes / Campaigns your donors are giving to most. On the right, you'll see a graph highlighting your donor's Giving styles.

Use these graphs to learn more about what your donors care most about and what causes or campaigns may need some more support. In addition, use Giving styles to show appreciation for new and consistent givers or reach out to those who may be giving less than they once did.


Finally, the bottom graph highlights your organization's overall giving trend for the dates selected.  Use this information to understand how much has been raised for your Envelopes / Campaigns on a monthly basis.


Read this article to learn more about information on the dashboard: What you can learn from data in the Analytics Studio


This section provides really excellent tools for understanding more about each of your givers, how often they give, the causes they give to, and more.

To find a list of specific-types of givers, click on the drop-down for Giving style: All. Select the Giving style you're interested in learning more about, such as your Consistent givers or your New givers. 


Use this information to reach out to individuals based on where they are at in their giving journey. Express appreciation for New givers or reach out to Decreasing givers to check-in and let them know you're thinking about them.

To learn more about each of your individual donors, click on the donor's name to be taken to their profile page.

On this page, you'll be able to see the donor's profile photo, contact information, Giving style, donation history, average donation, and messages.


Reach out to donors with a small note of appreciation by using their contact information such as their email address or address. 

See a donor's giving history to understand how often they gave and the causes they supported.  Filter this giving history by clicking the This Year: drop-down. 


Finally, view your givers' messages of appreciation and encouragement by clicking the Message History tab on the top-right of the screen.

Reply to these messages directly from the Analytics Studio to help your givers know you appreciate and recognize their contributions.



Additional Features

Sharing your story, mission and vision is one of the best ways to attract new members to support your organization. Givelify provides a number of ways to make this easy for you to do.

Trending Causes showcases organizations raising funds to support critical needs, such as after a natural disaster or during a cause-based month, such as Women's History Month or National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month.


If your organization is raising money to support specific causes, familiarize yourself with our current trending causes and watch for new cause announcements to make sure your organization can be showcased.
Next, Social Giving links provide givers an easy link to your online giving page to ensure givers can support your mission when inspiration strikes. 
When sharing inspirational stories, community impact, event information and services on your social media channels such as Facebook or YouTube, be sure to include your social giving link to your online giving page.




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