How to integrate with ACS Realm

  • Updated

Givelify has a report format created specifically to integrate with your ACS Realm church management system.  

Set Up Report Format 

Follow these steps to set up your ACS Realm report format: 

  1. and sign in to your organization's account.
  2. Select Integrations, navigate to the ACS Technologies tile and select Enable.
  3. On the ACS Technologies Integration page, select ACS Realm for the version you want to integrate with Givelify.
  4. Select the date on which the reports are based:
    • Donation Date – Select this option if you want the report date to be based on the date the donor made the donation.
    • Bank Deposit Date – Select this option if you want the report date to be based on the date the donation transaction is sent to your bank account. 
  5. Select the frequency for the report to be generated from the drop-down list (Never, Daily, Weekly, Every 2 weeks, or Monthly). 
  6. Select the day of the week for the report to be generated from the drop-down list. 
  7. If you want to be notified when the report is generated, check the Notify me via email when report is generated box. 
  8. Select Continue.
  9. Review the steps for finalizing your setup and then select Continue.

Set Up Import Schedule

The next step in the integration process is to set up the import schedule by building a custom report. Follow these steps:

  1. On the Reports page for ACS REALM Technologies Integration, select Build a Custom Report in the upper right corner.
  2. If you have campuses set up, select the Campuses drop-down and choose the specific campus to include in the report or choose All campuses.

    Note: If you do not have campuses set up, this option is not displayed and you can only specify the date range.

  3. Select the Calendar icon and choose the report Start Date and End Date, and then select Build Report.
    A message is displayed indicating that your custom report is being built. 
  4. Select Ok.
    When the report is ready, an email is sent to your inbox and the report is ready for download on the Reports page. 

Download Report 

  1. On the ACS REALM Technologies Integration page, select the Reports tab.
  2. Find the report in the list and select the Download icon in the Report column. Once a report has been downloaded, the name of the person and date is displayed for the report.

    The number of Donors to match and Envelopes to match is also displayed. These are the donors and envelopes that have not been matched to your donors or envelopes.  

Match Envelopes to Fund Codes 

To match envelopes to your ACS Realm Fund Code, follow these steps: 

  1. On the ACS REALM Technologies Integration page, select the Envelopes tab. 
  2. In the filter drop-down, choose Unmatched to display a list of envelopes that do not have assigned fund codes.
  3. Enter the ACS Realm Fund Code for each envelope you want donations to be able to match and then select Done. 

Edit Envelopes Matched to Fund Code 

To edit an envelope that already has an ACS Realm Fund Code assigned, follow these steps: 

  1. Select the filter drop-down and choose Matched to display a list of envelopes that have already been assigned a fund code. 
  2. Select the ACS Realm Fund Code already assigned and enter the new value. 
  3. Select Done 

Import Givelify Report into ACS Realm 

Once you receive the ACS Realm Integration report from Givelify, follow these steps to upload your Givelify report to ACS Realm: 

  1. On your computer, visit and log in to your organization’s account. 
  2. Expand Giving in the navigation menu and select Contributions. 
  3. Select Import from .csv and enter a Description and Gift Date that matches your Givelify report.
  4. Enter the following information:
    • Expected Amount – Enter the total amount from the Givelify report.
    • Payment Type – Choose Other Online from the drop-down list.
    • Online Source – Enter Givelify and navigate to the report and select it. 
  5. Select Import. 
  6. On the pop-up preview screen, confirm that everything is accurate and select Yes, Continue.

     A message is displayed confirming that your batch import is successful and shows all Givelify giving entries routed to the ACS Realm Contributions.  
  7. Review the summary of how many rows from the file either succeeded or failed to import.  
  8. Select Fix Invalid Rows to resolve any issues. 
    Note: Failed rows can result from ACS Realm’s inability to match the Donor’s name, Fund Codes, or any duplicate entries.  

  9. Select Download the .csv of errors to review the reasons for the mismatches, make the necessary updates to the .csv file and save the changes. 
  10. Select Choose File to upload the newly updated .csv file and then select Re-import the corrected .csv.
  11. If there are still issues after correcting the import, manually add to the batch by selecting the appropriate options (Check, Cash, or Other)at the top of your open batch. 
  12. Once your batch is properly updated, selectPost to post the contributions. 

Feel free to contact our Customer Support team at if you have any further questions.


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