How to view all donations your organization has received 

  • Updated

To view all the donations that have been received by your organization, follow these steps: 

  1. Visit and sign in to your organization’s account.  
  2. SelectDonations. 
    The Total Donations your organization has received to date (Lifetime) is shown at the top of the page.
    • To view only donations made within a certain time period, select the timeframe drop-down and choose a date range.
    • To filter the donations by envelopes, select the Envelopes drop-down and choose the envelopes for which donations have been received.
    • To filter the donations by messages, select the Messages drop-down and choose the message type (All donations, Replied messages, Unreplied messages, or No messages).
  3. To view the details of the donation, select View details.

Feel free to contact our Customer Support team at if you have any further questions.

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