How to resolve online giving button or social giving links not working 

  • Updated

If you experience issues with your current social giving links or online giving button, update the link or button using the following instructions. 

Givelify Button 

To update the Givelify online giving button on your organization’s website, follow these steps: 

  1. Visit and sign in to your organization’s account. 
  2. Select Giving tools > Online giving. 
  3. Select Get the Givelify button. 
  4. On the Givelify button page, choose the color of button you want to add (White, Blue, or Black) and select Copy Code. 
  5. Paste the code to your web page where the old code currently appears. 

Social Giving Links 

To update the links you use on social media or in email newsletters, follow these steps: 

  1. Visit and sign in to your organization’s account.  
  2. Select Giving tools > Online giving. 
  3. Under Your giving link, select the Copy Link button. 
  4. Paste the link into your social media posts, email newsletters, and all other digital communications. 

Feel free to contact our Customer Support team at if you have any further questions.


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