How to add giving envelopes/campaigns to your organization’s account 

  • Updated


You can create envelopes or campaigns to appear on your organization's Givelify profile to allow donors to direct their gifts toward specific causes or fundraising events. These envelopes/campaigns can be visible indefinitely or for a specified timeframe. 


You can also highlight the envelope/campaign in your Givelify profile's cover photo and ask donors to select the envelope or campaign while completing their gift.


Create new Envelope/Campaign

To create a new giving envelope or campaign, follow these steps:

  1. and sign in to your organization’s account. 
  2. SelectManage envelopes/campaigns in the left navigation menu.
  3. Select Create Envelopeor Create Campaign in the upper right corner. 
  4. On the Create envelope/campaign form, enter the Envelope name or Campaign name and Description. 
  5. If your organization’s management system is integrated with Givelify, enter the Fund name or Fund ID that is used in your management system. 
  6. Select how long you want the envelope/campaign to be shown to donors in the Givelify app (Always or Specific dates). If you select Specific dates, enter the Start date and End date. 
  7. Select Yes or No to indicate whether there is a specific amount you want to raise for this envelope. If you select Yes, enter the dollar amount in the text box. 
  8. Select Save. 

Re-ordering Envelopes/Campaigns 

If you want to re-order how the envelopes/campaigns appear in the Givelify app, select the(Move) icon to the left of the envelope or campaign name, and drag it to the position you want it to appear on the screen. 

Showing and hiding envelopes/campaigns 

Rather than deleting an envelope/campaign, you may simply want to hide it from donors (such as a Christmas Giving envelope/campaign). You can hide an envelope/campaign whenever you do not want it to appear in the Givelify app, and then toggle to show it when you’re ready to restart using it. 


To hide an Envelope/Campaign, follow these steps: 

  1. SelectManage envelopes/campaigns in the left navigation menu.
  2. On the Envelopes page, in the Shown to donors list of envelopes, select the Show to donors toggle to disable it.
  3. Click Hide Envelope on the confirmation dialog.
    The envelope is moved to the Hidden from donors list of envelopes in the lower portion of the page.

To show an Envelope/Campaign that has been hidden, follow these steps: 

  1. Select Manage envelopes/campaigns in the left navigation menu. 
  2. On the Envelopes page, scroll to the envelope in the Hidden from donors list and select the Show to donors toggle to enable it.
  3. Click Show Envelope on the confirmation dialog.
    The envelope is moved to the Show to donors list of envelopes in the upper portion of the page.


Feel free to contact our Customer Support team at if you have any further questions.




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